We Promote Health


Sleep Health

("Take Control! Tips To Improve Your Health" - WELCOA)  
The information on the website is not intended to replace the advice of your physician or health care provider.

Secure Your Environment
     Dark curtains, comfortable temperature (cooler is better), comfortable bedclothes, and bedding
Move Your Clock
     Turn clocks so they are  not viewed from the bed. Checking time can be a barrier to sleep
Don't Worry or Work in the Bedroom
     Deal with worries prior to bedtime in a different room
Establish a Pre-Sleep Routine
     Take a warm bath or shower, read for 20 minutes, do something relaxing every night that tells your body it's time to sleep.
Try to Wake Up and Go to Sleep at the Same Time Each Night
Eat a Light Snack Prior to Bedtime
     Being either too full or too hungry can disrupt sleep
Stop Using Your Cell Phone after 6:00pm
     One recent study suggests that cell phone use decreases the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone necessary for quality sleep.
Exercise (but not close to bedtime)
Consume Less, Sleep More
     Avoid drinking large quantities later in the day. A full bladder can cause you to wake up at night. Same applies to eating.T

TROUBLE SLEEPING TIP:  Millions of Americans have sleep problems.  Stress, caffeine, or distractions in the bedroom could all be factors leading to trouble falling asleep.  the key is to identify what habits are causing the restlessness at night.  One way to discover what is keeping you awake at night is keeping a sleep diary.  Try tracking your patterns, habits, and behaviors for one to two weeks.

Get Active Howard County Sleep Health Coordinator
(This page will be updated throughout the year to provide you with the latest sleep health information)

Andrew Monjan, PhD, MPH
Andrew was the Chief of the Neurobiology of Aging Branch of the Division of Neuroscience within the National Institute on Aging, NIH, until his retirement in May, 2009.  Sleep research was an important priority within this program and Dr. Monjan continues to share his knowledge and his passion as the Sleep Health Coordinator for Get Active Howard County.  He is Co-Editor of "Principle and Practice of Geriatric Sleep Medicine," Cambridge University Press, published in late 2009.  he has received a number of NIH Directors' awards for his meritorious service, and was the recipient of the Sleep Research Society of Special Recognition Award, June 2009, for furthering the research into sleep and aging.

According to a survey by the National Sleep Foundation, over 60% of Americans suffer from poor sleep quality resulting in everything from falling asleep on the job and absenteeism to marital problems and car accidents. 

Knowing Why Sleep is Important is the First Step

Sleeping affects:
Quality of life
Energy Level
Productivity Level

Andrew's Recommended Links
NIH Senior Health

What are Sleep Deprivation and Deficiency?

Who is at Risk?

What are the Signs of Problem Sleep?

Strategies for Getting Enough Sleep

How to Discuss Sleep Problems with Your Doctor

Why is Sleep Important?

How Much Sleep is Enough?

Healthy Sleep


Awake at the Wheel: A Guide for Teenagers

Your Guide for Healthy Sleep

Problem Sleepiness

Sleep and Aging:  A Good Nights Sleep

How Much Sleep do We Really Need?



