We Promote Health

WE CAN Waverly Elementary School
If you are a parent of a student at Waverly Elementary School take advantage of this free educational program.
We Can! starts on Thursday February 20, 2014 and runs for 4 weeks.  Please plan to attend all 4 sessions.  This is the fourth year that Waverly E.S. has provided this opportunity.  We welcome both Waverly and Hollifeld families and look forward to your participation.
Place: Waverly Elementary School Cafetorium
Time: 6:45pm to 8:15pm
Dates: `
Session 1 - Thursday February 20, 2014
Session 2 - Thursday February 27, 2014
Session 3 - Thursday March 6, 2014
Session 4 - Thursday March 13, 2014


Who can help your kids to a healthier future? Together “WE CAN!”  WE CAN, stands for Ways to Enhance Children’s Activity and Nutrition. This interactive workshop offers families tips about eating well, moving more and decreasing screen time. 

Join us for a series of 4 FREE Interactive Workshops, designed to support wellness in the family. 

We encourage you to bring your children ages 8 – 13.

(Come dressed for fun physical activity for parents and children)

This series of interactive workshops is presented by We Promote Health, a 501(c)3 in partnership with Waverly Elementary School, incorporates proven strategies provided by The National Institutes of Health, through their “WE CAN!” program.
